> Approval of Resolution Plan for Arena Superstructures_NCLT_Order_19.7.23
> Filing Instructions -- Form CA & Interest calculation Sheet for ASPL
> Form CA - Arena Superstructures
> Insolvency Claim Calculation Sheet - Arena Superstructures
LABA Election Update (Dated 28.09.2023)
Dear Members of Lotus Arena Homebuyers Association- LABA,
In response to Election Notice of 25.9.23 ,we are pleased to inform that the following LABA members have volunteered to join Election Committee:
Out of above 4 Volunteers Mr Aditya Mathur & Mr. Nitin Bhatia has experience of successfully completing Election process in 2021. Since our Election Committee consists of 3 members, we have shortlisted and formed Election Committee as under:
LABA Election & AGM 2023 (Dated 25.09.2023)
Election Schedule | Notice 6th AGM
Dear Members of Lotus Arena Homebuyers Association- LABA,
The present Governing Body of Lotus Arena Homebuyers Association-LABA, will be completing it’s tenure on 15th Nov'23. Accordingly, a new Governing Body of Lotus Arena Homebuyers Association - LABA will have to be elected for next 2 years term 2023-25.
> Approval of Resolution Plan for Arena Superstructures_NCLT_Order_19.7.23
> Filing Instructions -- Form CA & Interest calculation Sheet for ASPL
> Form CA - Arena Superstructures
> Insolvency Claim Calculation Sheet - Arena Superstructures
> Filing Instructions -- Form CA & Interest calculation Sheet - Piyush IT
> Insolvency Claim Calculation Sheet Piyush IT Solutions.xlsx
5th AGM of held on 13.11.22 from 11.30 am at Bikanervala
Wave Silver tower; 1st floor.
Sector 18 Noida.
More than 70 LABA members attended the AGM and AGM proceeded smoothly and all Agenda points were deliberated and approved. Following are pics of the AGM.