We have created dedicated LABA Telegram Group for flat buyers of Lotus Arena I And Lotus Arena 2 who have taken formal membership of LABA, as per LABA byelaws. Membership process for joining LABA Telegram Group:
Pay one time fee of Rs 5500.00, Membership fee: Rs 1500 + Annual Subscription: Rs 4000, at the bank details mentioned below:
Axis Bank
Branch: Sector 78. Noida
IFSC No: UTIB0003431.
SAVINGS BANK A/C No: 918010038827553
Once done, send a screenshot of payment confirmation page / Cyber Receipt & scanned copy of Recent Statement Of Account issued by Lotus (Updated Payment History) to:
Mr. Vishwanath Sharma
WhatsApp Mobile: +91 8377006483
This is an important step form creation Membership number and other details.
After making the payment, one should fill out this Formal Application Form (Google docs) completely and to best of your knowledge.